Proficiency 1- I can investigate the history of UFOs including claims that the military has hidden evidence about them from the public. Do you agree/disagree with the validity of these findings? Support your answer.
Author's Note: This is the second proficiency I completed, and it was also done in a movie maker. Surprisingly, it was a lot easier to complete than the first movie maker I did, which was nice. I tried not put as many pictures in like the first project, but I still wanted it to be filled with information. The way I started out with the newspaper headlines is creative, and will hopefully get people interested enough to watch the whole thing. I think this topic was easier for me to do because UFOs are not that hard to research or understand, and compared to researching something like the creation of the universe, it was a nice break. I hope you enjoy it!
The Born Again Pagans. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. .
"The History of UFOs — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts." — History Made Every Day — American & World History. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. .
"History of UFOs." UFOS Northwest Homepage. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. .
Macdonald, Designer Julien. "UFO Global Conspiracy Claims." The Blunt Blogger. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. .
Merlin, Peter W. "Area 51." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. .
"The Roswell UFO Crash (1)." UFO Casebook, UFO Case Files, UFO Photos, UFO Video, Aliens, UFO News, Magazine. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. .
"UFO Conspiracy Theory." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. .
"UFO Pictures - A Collection of Real UFO Pictures to Show the World the Truth about UFOs by Showing Real UFO Pictures." Alien and UFO Pictures - A Collection of Real Alien Pictures and Real UFO Photos Collected from around the World. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. .
"What Are They Trying To Tell Us….. | Between The Lines." Between The Lines | NBC 17’s Steve Sbraccia Blogs about Current Issues, Hot Topics, and Life in General. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. .
Proficiency 2- I can analyze the origins of our solar system. Starting with the sun, my research will emphasize how our solar system formed, the differences between inner planets and outer planets, and analyze the future of our sun and the solar system
Author's Note: This is the first proficiency I have completed, and is in the form of a movie maker. When I began, I had no idea that this would result into a 5 minute presentation, or how much work it would be. The first part was research, which was fairly easy because I was lucky enough to find all my information on about two sites, but the tedious part came to putting it all together. Since I was using movie maker, it took lots and lots of slides to fit all my information,and lots and lots of tweaking to get it to work. I was kind of hoping to make it more original by the star wars music and the way I presented my information, even though it's a little cheesy. My other goal is that the way I organized my research will get people to actually want to watch the whole thing, because the creation of the Solar System isn't the easiest thing to digest.The pictures and the few effects might just trick people into learning, even if they don't want to.
Movie Maker.
The Creation of the Universe from Sophia B. on Vimeo.
"18. Origins." Bogazici University Physics Department. Web. 04 Jan. 2011. .
Astronomy. Austin: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 2007. Print.
Astronomy. Austin: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 2007. Print.
"ATO "Christopher Murray :: Files." LeedsBlogs. Web. 04 Jan. 2011. .
"File:Milky Way Galaxy.jpg." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 04 Jan. 2011. .
"File:Sun God Ra.svg." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 04 Jan. 2011. .
"Formation and Evolution of the Solar System." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 2010. Web. 03 Jan. 2011. .
"History of the Sun." Oracle ThinkQuest. 2011. Web. 3 Jan. 2011. .
"Hydrogen Atom Diagram | Hydrogen Atom." Hydrogen Atom - Hydrogen Atom Diagram. Web. 04 Jan. 2011. .
"Inner Planets | Flickr - Photo Sharing!" Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing. Web. 04 Jan. 2011. .
"Messier Object 31." SEDS. Web. 04 Jan. 2011. .
"ORRERY: The Sun - Powerhouse of the Solar System." Andrew P. Harmsworth's Science, Space, Education and IT Sites. Web. 04 Jan. 2011. .
"Outer Planets." MWCS - Home of the YellowJackets. Web. 04 Jan. 2011. .
"Outer Space Image by Joupax007_cals_bucket on Photobucket." Image Hosting, Free Photo Sharing & Video Sharing at Photobucket. Web. 04 Jan. 2011. .
"Photoshop Black Background Logo Stock Photo in Photoshop | Photoshop and 3ds Max Tutorials." Photoshop Signature Tutorials, Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials, Photoshop 7.0 Tutorials, Photoshop Cs3 Tutorials. Web. 04 Jan. 2011. .
"SPACE FUN - Supernova in the Sky..." Zandland Blog - Powered by Zandl Group. Web. 04 Jan. 2011. . "THE SUN in Your Horoscope." Horoscopes and Astrology Explained. Web. 04 Jan. 2011. .
UNLV Department of Physics and Astronomy. Web. 04 Jan. 2011. .
"When Galaxies Collide, Our Solar System Will Go For A Ride." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. Web. 03 Jan. 2011. .
Proficiency 3- I can investigate the claim that the landing of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin was a conspiracy created by the United States government. Support or defend the claim.
Author's Note: This is the fourth proficiency I have completed, and one of the easiest. I chose to present my information in the form of a vuvox, because I thought the information and pictures would work well on that site. The research was relatively easy to find, my only worry is that I might have not found enough information to match the amount of information in my other proficiencies. When you watch the vuvox, one thing to look out for is the two columns. One column says Rumors, and one says Truth. They are both numbered and colored so that it is easy to match the rumor with the truth, so please read the number 1's, then the number 2's, and so on. Other than that, I hope you enjoy my third proficiency!
"Apollo 11 Moon Landing: Conspiracy Theories Debunked - Telegraph." - Telegraph Online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph - Telegraph. Web. 30 Jan. 2011. <>.
"The Great Moon Hoax." NASA Science. Web. 30 Jan. 2011. <>.
"Moon Landing Hoax - Worth1000 Contests." Worth1000 Home. Web. 30 Jan. 2011. <>.
Web. 30 Jan. 2011. <>.
"Will Fox Channel Win Blooper Of The Year Award? « Justmytruth's Weblog." Justmytruth's Weblog. Web. 30 Jan. 2011. <>
Author's Note: This is the 6th and last proficiency I have completed, and it is in essay form. The research was pretty tough, because there is a lot of history behind this, but the essay part wasn't so bad. It is a little long, so I hope it's not too boring, enjoy!
Ever since the beginning of civilization, people have been curious about the unknown world above. As time progressed, astronomers have become more aware of space and the vast number of things in it. We couldn’t have done this with just our eyes, technology plays a key part in our knowledge of the cosmos. With each passing year, more and more discoveries have been made, with all credit due to the new and existing technology in this field. The future of space technology is just as bright, and that is good, because without this technology, outer space would still be a giant mystery.
Space technology really began to blossom in the early 20th century, with three great scientists. There was Konstantin Tsiolkovski, from Russia, Robert Goddard, from the U.S, and Hermann Oberth, from Germany. The 30’s and 40’s were a time when things like rockets began to be used as weapons, especially by the Nazis. After World War 2, the U.S and the Soviet Union began the Space Race, and started their own missile programs. On October 1st, 1957, NASA was founded, and it is one of the most important staples of the United States of America. The Soviet Union started off strong, by being the country to launch the first satellite, Sputnik 1, on October 4th, 1957. Almost a month later, on November 3, the Soviet Union launched the second Sputnik, only this time, with a living thing on board. She was a dog, named Laika. The U.S was slow to catch up, but on January 31st, 1958 we launched our first satellite into space, Explorer 1, from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The Soviet Union beat us again, with putting the first person into space. His name was Yuri Gagarin, on April 12th, 1961. United States, still behind, put their first person in space on May 5th, 1961. He rode on the Freedom 7, and his flight lasted 15 minutes and 28 seconds.
With America in second place, John F. Kennedy gave his famous speech, “We Chose to Go to the Moon” on May 26th, 1961. It was there that he announced his goal of sending an astronaut to the moon within 10 years. On February 20th, 1962, John Glenn went up in the Friendship 7, and was the first American to go into orbit, for about 5 hours. The first major tragedy in NASA history was on January 27th, 1967, when three astronauts were killed in a flash fire, while testing the launch of Apollo 1. It was on July 20th, 1969 that we completed our goal of sending people to the moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men to step on the moon, and because of them, the American flag resides on it’s surface to the day. From 1969 to 1972, 6 Apollo missions were taken to go to the moon. During the 60’s unmanned spacecrafts and probes visited the moon before real people, and by the 70’s, satellites and orbiting communications were normal. A big step for space discovery was on March 2nd, 1972, when the Pioneer 10 was launched. This was the world’s first space probe to visit an outer planet, pass the asteroid belt, take close up pictures of Venus, and leave the Solar System. The first United States space station was launched on May 14th, 1973, and was called Skylab. On July 15th, 1975, the U.S combined with Russia, cooperating instead of battling, and went on the first international space flight, entitled the Apollo-Soyuz Space Project.
Though not many things can beat the shining past of our space knowledge, the future looks pretty bright too. NASA has recently made a list of future space tools that will expand our research, some are more real than others, but all are a creative and exciting new future for our planet. The first item is an anti-matter powered rocket, because matter only pulls a rocket down, but when anti-matter mixes with matter, it forms giant amounts of energy, more then fuel can provide. The only downfall is that scientists cannot make enough antimatter to be used in a practical way. The next idea is laser and microwave powered rockets, which works more efficiently by beaming a laser or microwave technology from a station on earth to the rocket, which would heat propellants on the rocket faster than normal fuel, thus achieving the goal of efficiency. Metallic hydrogen fuel is another future space technology, because when hydrogen is in a great amount of pressure, it becomes solid and metallic, and if scientists could harness it, it would give off lots more energy when burned then in its gas state. These are just some of the many future space technologies we may come in contact with some day.
From the telescope to the ISS, space technology one and all has helped us gain knowledge of the world above. If we took away one piece of this from our history, there is no telling how much it could affect the present, and the future. Each one is like a piece to a puzzle, and without one and other, we could not see the big picture. The technological advancements of space technology are key in creating a bright future, and an abundance of knowledge.
"A Brief History of Space Exploration." The Aerospace Corporation. Web. 14 Feb. 2011. .
"A Brief History of Space Exploration." The Aerospace Corporation. Web. 14 Feb. 2011. .
"Gallery - NASA's Dreaming: Future Space Technologies - Image 6 - New Scientist." Science News and Science Jobs from New Scientist - New Scientist. Web. 14 Feb. 2011. .
Guevin, Jennifer. "Timeline: Key Milestones in Space Exploration - CNET News." Technology News - CNET News. Web. 14 Feb. 2011. .
Proficiency 5- I can investigate dark matter and dark energy. What is it and how does it impact what we know about astronomy. What are the potential implications if we could harness and store dark matter or dark energy?
Author's Note: This is the dark matter and dark energy proficiency, and I chose to present my information in story form. I wrote a story, not an essay because it is easier for me to present information in a way that is not boring or tedious to read. One thing you should know before reading this material is that the way I fit my information into the story is different than the actual information. For example, when I talk about Einstein the advisor, I'm actually talking about Einstein and his theory of relativity and gravity. Also, the fourth paragraph is talking about all the theories scientists have for what dark matter and energy is. I hope you enjoy it!
Once upon a time, the universe was a happy place, with stars shining and planets lazily orbiting around the sun, but then came the Dark Pair. The couple can be called super villains, but their powers are much worse than anything imaginable in a comic book. Times are tough now, they've caused the fall of our only true hero, Gravity, and the light of Good has been flickering out, leaving only the numbing sense of darkness to remain.
Dark Energy is the first of the two, known to take the lead when it comes to their evil affairs. He has come to control 70% of the universe, and lives in the heart of every living creature. Dark Matter makes up the rest of the pair, he could be known as the sidekick, yet is mind is just as twisted. Though he only controls 25% of the universe, he still has a great strength, his invisibility. He blends in with the darkest of dark in the universe, passing by without a second glance. They both represent the greatest of evil the universe has come to know.
Their latest scheme is wicked, mind-boggling , and evil… it is to expand the universe at light speed proportions. We have been trying to stop it, trying to slow down the course of expansion, but we fail every time. We first learned about them in the 1990's, when scientists tried to measure the speed of the expansion of the universe. They predicted it would be slowing down, because Gravity was at work pushing down on the elements in outer space 24/7, at least that’s what his adviser, Einstein, told us. Instead, we found the Dark Pair doing their dirty deeds on the universe.
That caused a huge controversial scandal to surface. One side of scientists think Einstein is lying, that Gravity isn't doing his job, and that the Dark Pair appeared because the vacuum in space allowed them to pass, so they were meant to do this all along. Another group of scientists believe that empty space is just waiting to be claimed by an energy, and Dark Matter gets to it first, that is why they are able to make it expand so quickly. Different scientists say it is part of the Prophecy known as "Quintessence" in which Dark Matter and Dark Energy are a new type of dynamical fluid or field, so when they take control of space in the universe, they make it grow faster, unlike normal matter and energy, so it is not their fault. The last theory is that they might be working with the Quantum Theory of Matter, which means the empty space they control fills with particles then dissapears, but scientists just can't put the pieces together.
If they succeed in this evil plan, they would majorly affect how the matter in the universe behaves. Dark Matter even has his eyes set on the Sun. Once they complete their plan he could build up in the Sun, and alter how the heat moves inside of it. Not many people know this, but Dark Matter does have some good inside his soul. He is the one that keeps all the galaxies from spinning apart. Though it is just a side job, he is the one that keeps us intact. That is the only hope we hold on to, that we might be able to bring them to the good side, and use them to our advantage. I've heard rumors that if we had them on our side, we could be one step closer to space time travel.
Joint Dark Energy Mission is a team of experts doing the most research on the Dark Pair, and what their 'kryptonite' is. They have gotten us this far, but we are still under the mercy of what the Dark Pair might do next. They rule the universe, leaving space for only 5% normal matter to remain. If Einstein is lying, the Dark Pair could affect how the mater in the galaxies behave, but for now, all we can hope for is the best.
"Dark Energy, Dark Matter." NASA Science. Web. 18 Jan. 2011. .
"What Is Dark Energy? |" Space, NASA Information & News | Outer Space Flight Videos & Pictures | Astronomy, Solar System Images | Web. 18 Jan. 2011. .
Proficiency 6- I can effectively explain the different theories of the universe. I will discuss theories starting from Ancient Greece through the theories discussed in present day. I will analyze all theories and make a judgment based on my research on which is most valid.
Author's Note: This is the 5th proficiency I have completed, and I used the tool vuvox. I saved it for the end because I knew it would be tough, but it really wasn't. The information was easy to find and I knew how I was going to organize my vuvox, but when I was putting my information onto my collage, I realized I didn't have a lot of what I needed to complete this proficiency. I then had to go back, do a lot more research, and a lot of re-organizing. This mistake was the only thing that made this proficiency a little time consuming, so my only worry is that my vuvox might be a little confusing. Hopefully, it is clear, and that you enjoy it!
"Albert Einstein Might Live Again; His Brain Has Been Preserved." Anti Aging and Human Immortality News. Web. 06 Feb. 2011. .
"Ancient Cosmology: Theories and Perspectives on the Creation of the Universe & Myths and Views From Around the World." Find Health, Education, Science & Technology Articles, Reviews, How-To and Tech Tips At Bright Hub - Apply To Be A Writer Today! Web. 06 Feb. 2011. .
"Astronomy 101 - Lesson 1: History, Ancient Astronomers to The Renaissa - Early History of Astronomy." Space & Astronomy at Web. 06 Feb. 2011. .
"The Big Bang, Redshift Light, and Dark Energy Theories Have Many Big Flaws, Errors, and Problems." Bible Life Ministries - God's Salvation in Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior. Web. 06 Feb. 2011. .
"Claudius Ptolemaeus." Ptolemy Project Home Page. Web. 06 Feb. 2011. .
"Contemplation." Ron Lindeman. Web. 06 Feb. 2011. .
NATURE OF IMRAN MALIK. Web. 06 Feb. 2011. .
"Nicolaus Copernicus." 2008/9 Wikipedia Selection for Schools. Web. 06 Feb. 2011. .
"Origins of the Universe: Theories of How the Cosmos Began." Online Magazine and Writers' Network. Web. 06 Feb. 2011. .
"Sun Goddess « The Wit Continuum." The Wit Continuum. Web. 06 Feb. 2011. .
"Tonism Highlights: The Big Bounce Theory." Tonism Highlights: Latest. Web. 06 Feb. 2011. .
"Washington DC International Travel Articles, Washington DC International Travel News - |" National News, National Information, National Events - | Web. 06 Feb. 2011. .
"WMAP Big Bang Theory." Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). Web. 06 Feb. 2011. .
That story thing is a good idea! I hope you got an A on it.