Sophia's Essay Blog

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Essay Blog

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Revised version of "Untitled"

Author's Note: This poem is not just about one person, but about a dancer in general, the way they move, and how they are joined together in a family.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving stream of consiousness

Author's Note: It is the holidays, so there is an obvious reason to write this, but also one memory stuck in my head of thanksgiving, so I kind of expanded that into a piece.

The sounds of laughter fill the house and threaten to leak into the outside world,which seems so far away, because here, in this house, it is the definition of family. We sit around the big table and pass the food, like an assembly line. Our mouths salivate from the plates covering the table,as it threatens to creak with all the heaviness of food, happiness, and memories. Cell phones, T.Vs, and computers seem like foreign objects to us, and they are tucked away into our minds for a time other then this.
My bed feels like the greatest invention known to man when i finally fall into it, and feelings of joy help to blanket me and keep me warm, to wash away the feelings of sadness to know that this day is almost over, this day that felt like a year, if only it were longer....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"Blue Moon" by Rachelle Mead

Author's Note: This poem is based off of a short story "Blue Moon", and this layout mimics the short story because of the edginess and the confusion that is happening.

There's no where to run,
But hope comes in strange forms,
So she drives, drives away
Betrayals come often,
Impossible to predict
So they take, take her away,
Or they try.
There is blood, death, and failure
For which she escapes,
And finds, finds her true potential

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sea Stream of Consiousness

Author's Note: This journal Entry was one of the first ones I have written this year about my perspection on an ocean

The blanket of blue stretches beyond eyes view, I look left, right, and again searching for something other then the rippling water. A salty sent wafts through my sences, and I tilt my head up to the sky, letting the sun pour in and on me. Splash! A monster- like fish jumps up to grab its dinner, which makes me shudder, for I feel for the sharks food, who was happily grazing the crisp blue water, carefree until its last breath. The seagulls mock eachother, I laugh, and wonder what they are thinking. A fresh wave rolls through the ocean, towering above everything else. I feel the power and shrink back beneath its force. This is beauty in its own right.